broom Breaking News
Madness and Literary Illiteracy

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat and we tried to order some precious presents for our lovely loved once. The perfect present appeared and immediately, we owled our order only to discover that there was only a very special sort of delivery: the under-aged witch or wizard may not publicly purchase this marvellous Marx bros. Collection. As fervent fans of the bronx brothers we granted this categorisation due to the perfect use of puns only to discover the official classification as 'universal', i.e. people of any age can watch it. |
We were consequently charged 5 whatever and had to be present in person ready to prove our own personality with the help of our ID. This, naturally, was only possible because of the need to type in our full family and first name including any additions and other nicknames named in our passport papers. The threat was that the trifle would be taken back to the sender if any of the above rules was not followed to its minute point. Pretty afraid as we felt following this threat we made sure to stick precisely to the steps offered and finally got it. (MF) |
Sassy Spiders
Sit in Creepy Crevices
(The World) Nothing
new, but seriously scary anyway: sassy spiders sit in creepy crevices
only to fiercefully frighten unwary people. |
magical people alike with their scary scuttling and monstrous moves. Every year, at Halloween, countless artificial animals add to the rows of real spiders. So whoever is an avid arachnophobe, stay at home at Halloween! (ALL) |
Cooking and Slicing
The most magical holiday of
the year is here at last, and we are very happy to present the new festive
and gruesome recipes our famous celebrity cook Harriet Kettle-Stove
graciously let us print. Enjoy! |
butter until fluffy.
Slowly add icing sugar, milk and vanilla extract until you have a soft mix
which can be easily formed at will. Add colour until the mix looks
brain-like. Now create a sugar-brain-structure on top of each muffin and
decorate with some red colour to imitate blood. Yummy! And the second idea is even more disgusting: Sweet spiders. You need: 5 strings of liquorice, 12 soft toffees, 12 half walnuts, 150 g dark chocolate, 3 spoons dark chocolate bits. Cut the liquorice strings into 2.5 cm long pieces. You need 8 legs for each spider, obviously. Now put the toffees onto a baking tray and add half a walnut to each toffee. Put the tray into the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for no more than 3 minutes, take them out and immediately put the legs into the soft toffee bodies. Melt the chocolate and paint the spiders, adding the chocolate bits for extra fluff. Urgh!!! And these delights will make your Halloween party, believe me. I scared my friends a lot with them! Yours, H. Kettle-Stove |
with a Vampire
Brian Cullen did his best to try
and get out of this assignment, but there was no way he could have missed
this important interview. For the first time since Bram Stoker met him,
Count Dracula agreed to meet with a British man to talk about life, death,
and Transylvania. |
However, unlike werewolves, vampires are never going
to die. BC: Unless you get a stick hammered through your heart. CD: Now, now, young man, how unkind to remind me of that! But of course, yes, you are right in that. And it is becoming more and more difficult to get victims here. Everybody knows about this castle, thanks to that stupid Irish writer Stoker. BC: So what do you live off if nobody comes here? CD: You are here, may I remind you. Ah – don’t be afraid, you’re not my type, far too flabby and possibly full of awful fish and chips. So much grease and cholesterol is bad for my heart. But otherwise, I feast of animals. Boars, deer, you name it. BC: Did you know there is an American writer whose vampire characters are vegetarian because they also drink only animal blood? CD: Well, she needs to get her concept of vegetarianism right, that one. No, I am not vegetarian and I am not going to become one. I would die eating only celery sticks. No point in that – or, |
rather I wouldn’t die
once but again and again and again. Painful, pointless, nonsense. |
Agony Auntie
Dear Auntie Agatha, my garden is in a mess and I have no clue whatsoever what to do. I know this is more like a question for Leslie Pagana Greenacre, but I still hope you in your cleverness can provide some useful tips for the following problem: Anything I plant is eaten by slugs! It doesn't matter where I put those innocent little baby plants. They get eaten in the greenhouses, they get eaten on the terrace, thy get eaten on the balcony. To tell you the truth they are not eaten by slugs when I put them in my room on the topmost floor, then, you know, mice take over, break into my room and do the job of destroying everything. My garden practically is flowerless. What can I possibly do? A very desperate employee |
Dear very desperate employee, I can understand your problem well. And let me assure you, I have the perfect solution. Forget about the plants in your garden, don't bother about sowing any more plants and forget about taking care of any baby plants. The thing you should take care of is breeding slugs. Slugs are now terribly en vogue in France. They are used for cosmetic improvements in the female face. It seems that it is believed that the slime that is excreted by them improves the structure of the facial skin. As a matter of fact you may be able to make good money with the selling of the one or the other hundred specimen. You might also want to try it yourself, but make sure you haven't fed them before. Agony Auntie Agatha |
of Ghosts
(The world) All of the world this
dark period at the end of October beginning of November is used to think of
the dead and in turn they think of the living. Yeah, it's Halloween. All
Souls and All Saints Day again and you might be paid a visit by your loved
ones even though they have been dead for quite a long time. |
whatever again. This was done because they
were regarded as some sort of creature who ate the living – no similarity to
the Death Eaters intended. |
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Happy Halloween, Severus!