broom Breaking News
Bad Breath
Who would have thought that the huge hippopotamus simply scared its effective enemies away by articulating 'a'. Still this is the successful strategy of this monstrous mammal. It opens its odorous mouth and emits acid air that certainly scares all its near rivals away. If you indecently ignore this scaring scent and protective perfume, you might be either terribly trampled to death, defensively drowned in a dirty puddle or perfectly |
pronged by either of the four phenomenal fangs. Next time you complain about the careless care about their home hygiene especially in the middle of the mouth, tongue and teeth north and south, remember that this rural ritual could clearly indicate that this interesting individual is not in for social small talk but that it should serve to prevent any provocative action of a possible opponent. Stay clear! (MF) |
In the happy home of the wealthy Weasleys – the young generation, that is – riotous riots are traditionally taking place particularly about the daily duties. The dealt with differences arise actually from the various ways in which the two were privately brought up. Reigning Ron witnessed the wife as the |
devote and caring part while half-hearted Hermione happily grew up watching her working mother participate in the production of the family's profit. Naturally, two worlds clash and they clash in form of their two representatives. This sounds like an emergency for Agony Auntie Agatha. (MF) |
NEW newbroom-e-gram
February 1st – German soldiers know now how to dress their hair and beards.
Is that really that relevant for troops? We always thought knowing how to
defend oneself would be much more important than haircuts! February 4th – In the NSA-scandal it becomes known that the supervision of and eavesdropping on heads of governments started far earlier than thought of. Well, the NSA can learn something from the Ministry of Magic: Ministers of Magic have been eavesdropping on British Prime ministers ever since the first one, Robert Walpole, got the office in 1721! February 5th – Turkey censures the web. Well, we guess newbroom has a new field to work in with the Resistance Rocks campaign. Let’s try and get Turkish people free access to the world’s knowledge (and gossip, and needless tidbits, and so on). February 9th – Alright, Switzerland, we get the message: You don’t want any well-educated foreigners taking over your jobs. |
Luckily we are not so
well-educated – can we come? February 11th – The USA decline to sign a No-Spy-Contract with the EU. Does that surprise anyone? February 14th – Valentine’s Day, and the first German minister of this cabinet announces his demission from office: Hans-Peter Friedrich is history. Well, a historical footnote, maybe. A tiny one. If you don’t just ignore footnotes altogether. February 18th – In Kiev, Ukraine, the revolts escalate. This is a veritable revolution, and revolutions are not exactly children’s parties. Let us hope that the president and the revolutionary leaders can find a compromise and end the bloodshed. February 21st - Finally the Ukranian politicians sat down to talk and find a compromise. After all there is some hope for peace. February 28th - Last day of this extremely short month! There's nice news, though, winter is definitely over. And: A new edition of newbroom appears on your screen. |
NEW The Magical Bachelor - Brian Wants a Wife!
Now that the contestants moved into the charming cottage at the edge of
dreary Dartmoor, the time has come for Brian to make his first move. To make
things more interesting for all of us, Brian himself does not know what he
will have to do and whom he will have to invite for the first group date to
get to know some of the ladies a bit better. Violet Vainglory will take you
on a trip into the wilds of the moors! |
area: wild ponies, cows, sheep and goats. And since
they are British animals, they know exactly who has the right of way and
behave accordingly. If you are not out to get a free joint of mutton, keep
alert and ready to brake at any moment. Our hikers are now on a hill, watching the grey walls of the infamous Dartmoor prison. “I remember,” says Madam Umbridge, “we once thought of taking over this prison instead of Azkaban, but the village would have had to be evacuated and we had no plan for this.” “Rubbish,” declares Muriel Weasley, “if you had not been so blind on the Dark side, we would not have had these past troubles. I mean, my great-nephew’s marriage ceremony would have been much better, plus he wouldn’t look like minced meat right now!” As they walk on, Professor Sprout takes note of every bush and bloom there is. “Cullen, do you remember what heather can be used for?” “No, but if I can just call up my friend Patience, she’d know,” Brian says. “Shut up, Cullen, Miss Wood won’t help you in this, neither in the heather-question nor with your search for a wife.” “She is married, Professor, I know she won’t marry me.” “She wouldn’t have anyway,” Professor Sprout says and walks on. At the end of the day, we can state that Brian got to know the three ladies much better and has petitioned the producers to be allowed to vote off the three of them at once, but was declined any voting-off until the fifth edition. Still, there is the choice of his companion for a single date, and it is - - - Penelope Clearwater! Apparently, our magical bachelor is of the opinion he should get to know the ministry clerk a little better and how can that be achieved more easily than with a nice day at the beach in Mousehole? Be prepared for the next edition and the ongoing drama of our magical bachelor’s hunt for a wife! (VV) |
NEW The British Museum Has Not Lost Its Charm
(London) Shortly before summer,
spring turns its nasty face at us and showers us with rain while the cold
winds do their best to push these liquids into our faces, so what can you
do? You can go to a museum. But not any museum, why not the British Museum
in London. Mike has talked to one of the Trustees of this institution to
find out more about its attractions and distractions from the bad weather. |
1.2 mio years ago. And experiments have shown that it has been
pretty effective. MF: But that certainly is not the oldest object you have! T: No, in fact we have a stone chopping tool, which is 1.8-2 mio years old. It as well comes from Tanzania. MF: That is great! What else is there? T: Well, the next room offers changing exhibitions. At the moment there is a swimming reindeer on display. MF: A swimming reindeer, was it left there by Santa? T: Probably not. You can also have a look at Enlightenment, which happened during the 18th century. And this period pretty much turned us into who we can be today. MF: And that's even though most of us haven't been around in the 18th century. T: Then we move on to the Americas. There you can see artefacts of the natives. Those most loved are the pipes that look like animals. MF: Do they also have a sign that smoking kills. T: No, otherwise they might still be with us today after 2200 years. MF: And you are funny, too. T: Sure I am. Well, there also is an exhibition of Chinese ceramics. And even though porcelain prevented the |
Chinese from inventing the glass and making more scientific
progress, still if you come to think of it, it's wonderful just to take a
bit of clay and turn it into something as beautiful as ceramics. MF: No elephants admitted. T: No, but they prefer the natural history department anyway. MF: Is there also anything serious at your museum? T: Surely, we have a department of living and dying. This showroom reveals in which ways different cultures deal with death. For example, in times before photography and facebook postings all over the place, you might have had a pocket-size sculpture of your beloved ancestor. MF: Well, we're definitely out to learn a bit. T: Yes, but it is also meant to entertain. Just take your time and have a look at whatever is of interest to you. MF: Well, we certainly will. See you there. As usual we would like to thank the kind and funny Trustee to help us into an insight into the world of the British Museum. And we can now for certain state that it has not lost its charm. (MF) |
Life Could be a Dream
(Ukraine) The last couple of months
have brought about some grave changes in the Ukraine. Many people were
killed during protests, a regime was overcome and the people are about to
vote for a new president. Unfortunately, though this would have been enough,
they are also on the verge of war and as a matter of fact so are we all.
Therefore, it is considered a necessity to renew our call for world peace
which we had featured a couple of years ago for the occasion of April, 1st
and we have never been this serious! |
would like to remind everyone that this opus contains the longing for all
people to live in peace. It seems to us that this is a hope that is as old as ethic is. It strikes us as possible that there are more people willing to live in peace than they are willing to struggle for survival in times of war. We have declared peace more than once, but declaring it is not enough. We have to live it, all of us. Don't let yourselves be used by some power searching leader who doesn't care whether you live or die. Rely on your own reason, on your own mind and on your own heart. We don't think that you (or anyone else) have it in your heart to fight your neighbour, leave alone kill him or her. And that is all it takes for peace. And then, we are sure, life could be a dream. (All) |
Right Side – Wrong Side
(The Magical World) As you will have
probably heard by now, the Ministry is planning to introduce the
Linksfahrgebot for flying cars, buses, ships and brooms. Consequently, from
today onwards anyone flying in the air has to make sure that he is on the
right side which in our case would now be the left side. |
At least this will make sure that the convict is not doing more harm in the
air that day and that it will get quite expensive for regular offenders. Cars buses and ships will not be destroyed as their destruction would lead to a certain thread to the environment. These will be confiscated and might be auctioned at the end of the year, but nothing definite has been agreed on yet. Travellers are asked to be friendly to any of the broomed officers as offending or even attacking them will have much more serious consequences for the offender. New cells are currently decorated for those willing to put the executive power to the test. Stay right, fly left! (MF) |
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Sit in the sun and enjoy, Severus!