broom December 2013



broom Breaking News

Winter Weather Trial to Timetables

(Germany) Every year, Muggle meteorologists warily warn that winter weather is to be expected in the last months of the year. Equally every year, thousands of train travellers silently suffer from the trains being duly delayed because of too little preparation for freezing cold and snow.
It is surprising to see how little Muggles manage to learn from their experiences, especially when they make the same year after year. One would think that buying bulks of defrosters and street salt is easy, but sometimes the fierce fact of wild winter

arriving eludes Muggle minds with suspicious swiftness. Perhaps their minds are magically wipd each winter to forget fast about dreadful dangers and worrisome weather.
Timetables are troubled routinely by devastating delays cruelly causing shivering travellers to be sadly stranded on platforms, pathetically patiently waiting for any kind of transport to take them away.
We avidly advise to dress warmly and take some tea with you before trying to travel by train in winter. (BC&MF)

Another Election

An envelope entered our overwhelming office by owl the other day. It was the announcement of another election about to happen this autumn. Succeeding the success of the German Pope and following the favourite Pope Franciscus, the protestant church of Germany has proclaimed that they will put up their own popular Pope. Millions of members are getting a message saying that they should select their perfect person for this post. Caused by the climax of several casting shows, the

possible new protestant popes will be presented in the modern media each having the chance to produce a popular speech, presenting their private lives and pray. The protestant population then can cast their vote with which the new pope will win. Plans are that the Pope elect will be publicly proclaimed on December 24th which coincides with the celebration of Christmas in Germany. The message is modern: a second saviour has shown up. We're excited! (MF)


November 1 � CNN inadvertently pronounced German Green party politician Hans-Christian Stroebele Minister for Foreign Affairs. Unfortunately the politician knew nothing about his promotion himself, seeing that the Greens were not in any kind of federal German government that day...
November 3
� Hundreds of paintings magically appear in Munich in a completely cluttered flat. Some paintings are definitely master pi
eces, other are, well, art in the eye of the beholder.
November 6
� In the land of freedom, the USA, Marihuana is now taxed by 25%. Well, at least in Colorad
o, where it is legal since 2012. Unfortunately the people so freedom-loving they deny the necessity of insurance for everyone have spied on literally everyone else on the planet. The usual hypocrites, then: Freedom for us, but control for everybody else.
November 18
� Loads of American spies are ex
posed, and everybody plays the shocked person. Come off it, guys! Have

you never watched a James-Bond-film??? Of course spy agencies spy on people! Get real!
November 21 - Three enslaved women are freed in London. It seems as if the Muggle media believe it was some psychopath doing this - well, psychopath surely, but we have serious information that this was the act of evil dark wizards trying to enslave Muggles.
November 26 - Alex Salmond, Prime Minister of Scotland, presented the White Book, a compilation for reasons for an independent Scotland. As much as we like political havoc, we are not so sure if this is a wise movement.
November 27 - Silvio Berlusconi, grand-godfather of Italian politics, is officially bared from Senate. It only took the Italians decades to realize the man's a fraud. He needed to be proved to be a criminal, too, before chucking him out...
November 30 - One day before the first advent Sunday arrives our new edition is finished. Hooray!

The Muggle Camp

(Bury St. Dorothy) The final month has passed and our dear candidates are about to learn who of them has won The Muggle Camp � no, not the place, but the game. Are you curious? Well, so are we and Harriet and Leslie, too.
�Good evening, dear audience, for the last time!� �Hello and good bye!� �No, Leslie, not yet good bye!� �But for sure Harriet, the audience will want to know who has to leave the show tonight!� �You are right, Leslie, I had almost forgotten about it!�
�By the way, what will you be doing this time next month?� �I'm not too sure, Harriet. What about you?� �I will lie in my bed, eat all the the Christmas biscuits left over and listen a bit to the good old wireless.� That sounds like a jolly good idea!� �What do you reckon our leaving candidate will do next?� �I have no idea, why don't we ask her?�
�Rita, you are about to leave the show, what will you do first?� �I will return to my office and my quick-quote quill and write a book about my experience in
The Muggle Camp.� �That sounds like an interesting idea.� �It is and to tell you the truth, it's the best you can do with the time here. People will buy it like mad! Got to dash!� �That was quick...� �But it will be sort of unfinished.� �Why is that?� �Because she missed who will win the show.� �Well, who will win the show, after all?�
�Not so fast, let' tell our dear audience about the last task first: Our remaining candidates, namely Gilderoy Lockhart and Arthur Weasley had to pack their suitcases the Muggle way. There is something new to this last edition, Leslie, will you tell the audience what it is all about.� �Sure, Harriet, for the last task we have the power to decide which candidate has won. Of course, we don't do that at random but on the basis of the task they have performed. Whoever does a better job there, has won.�
�I am curious now, Leslie! We know the task, we know the remaining candidates. The only thing we don't is who has won.� �Well, Harriet, shall we call the candidates in?� �If it was up to me, I would call them right away!� �But don't you want to dwell on this moment for a little longer. Enjoy the excitement and the funny faces of the audience?� �No.� �Well, Harriet, then here we go.�
Gilderoy Lockhart, Arthur Weasley, please do come to us!� �Here they are in person. The two gentlemen who have managed everything so far.� �And they have their suitcases with them!� �that is very good of you!� �Leslie, normally, I wouldn't
ask any gentleman to open his suitcase for me and I would never have a look at what he has packed, but tonight is different as we have to judge their performance!�
�Gilderoy, would you please open your suitcase.� �Naturally, I am very apt at packing y suitcase as I travel a lot and as you might know I have also been to countless dangerous countries in which it is better not to let anyone know that you are magical. Of course, I would be able to deal with people like them any time but you don't want to use so much magic on these occasions. But don't be feared, should anything...�
�Arthur would you please open your suitcase.� �yes, well, I'm afraid it's not as orderly as Gilderoy's.� �No, it's not, quite right. Now I have to switch position with Harriet. Harriet will take a look at your suitcase now.�
�'s only natural to step in whenever anyone is in need. You know I have built quite a reputation for saving damsels in distress and other terrible situations. If need be I would also save a gentleman. Particularly someone I have made friends with like Arthur over here...�
�Now what do you say, Harriet?� �Well, I would go for authenticity.� �I completely agree, as this programme is all about the real Muggle experience, authenticity should be the rule.� �Then, I guess, we have a winner.� �I completely agree!�
�However, before we tell you who has won
The Muggle Camp, we would like to thank you for being such a great audience.� �And our thanks also go to broompire and anyone who has made this show possible and not least of all our wonderful candidates!� �Have we thanked everyone, now?� �No, we would also like to express our thankfulness to our parents who really are responsible for what we are today!� � That didn't sound like a proper thanks!� �Do you want me to do it again?� �No, but I would like to thank you for being such a good friend and co-host of this show!� �And thank you to you, too and all of our friends out there!�
�And a final thank you to our winner: Arthur Weasley. He has won as his suitcase looks particularly authentic including all those tiny wrinkles on the clothes which you simply get on your clothes as a Muggle packing your suitcase. Congratulations!�

And congratulations from all of us here at broompire. What we will do? Well, we are preparing a new and fantastic show for next year. Make sure not to miss the first edition of it in January! (HKL&LPG)

The Father of Investigative Journalism

(Great Britain) It is not a coincidence that the 'great' is featured in the name of our country. Countless inventions and discoveries have been made in our mother-country and one of them is: modern journalism.
William Thomas Stead was convinced to find a way to influence the public and the government by the use of newspapers. He picked up important social topics mostly concerned with the lowlifers, published them and hoped for a change. The first success he could note down was the erection of cheap housing for the poor. The slums had made way for a better life.
However, he did not stop there. In a series of articles, called The Maiden Tribute to Modern Babylon, he promoted the idea to raise the age of consent from 13 to 16 in order to get rid of child prostitution. In a very practical attempt he bought a female child from her mother in order to pretend to use her as a prostitute. His experience was published and consequently he went to prison for 3 months. No, not for buying or prostituting a child but for kidnapping.
Quite obviously the judges at that time had not understood what

he had tried to do and instead of punishing those who usually paid for the under-age boys and girls they decided to punish the person who had dragged this into the public focus. Outrageous, all of it.
Stead being no angel saw peace in the attempt to threaten all other nations with a navy that outnumbered any other in any respect. Knowing that the royal navy was quite old-fashioned and that setting sails was not the necessary thing to do in a modern world, he asked for means of modern warfare hoping to end all wars.
In order to take part in a peace conference over in the US he boarded the Titanic. Helping several women and children into lifeboats and having given his own life jacket to another passenger he drowned following the collision. And as if this wasn't tragic enough, rumours are that he would have been awarded the Noble Peace Prize that same year.
However, his legacy remains, next to investigative journalism he left us the interview, eye-catching subheadings as well as maps and diagrams in our articles. And we will use them well! (MF)



































































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Something for you, Severus!

Disclaimer: All names, characters and places are property of J.K. Rowling and Warner bros., except of those not found in the "Harry Potter" books and movies which belong to Ulrike Friedrich and Kirsten Seelbach. No financial and/or commercial gain is intended.