broom Breaking News
Recovery, Reconstruction and
(The Christian World) Elaborate Easter is the excellent era for
any event including some interesting instances of improving the identified
ego or the idealistic idiots inhabiting our earthly environment. |
inhabitants all around this elegant earth finally found out that this mean
man had his real reputation deliberately destroyed by the hired historians
of the vicious victors. A whole nation now hails happy hoorays clearly
culminating in the exclusive exclamations of ‘We are Richard III!’ and
‘Habemus Rex!’. Following the fine face some seriously think that this is the forecast coming of bonnie King Richy, who according to long lost legend will cleverly guide the government on and surely show his subjects to the way to Avalon. Let yourself be bewitched by the beautiful beau and enjoy this extraordinary Easter. (All) |
(The World) A bizarre
mystifying miracle ominously occurs every Easter: Bunnies bring Easter eggs!
We cannot answer either, but we can candidly reveal that,
contrary to common beliefs, the beautiful bunnies do not lay the eggs. The
purposeful providers wish to remain unknown. However, the fanciful fact of basket-laden bunnies trading in tons of Easter eggs is a miracle making the Easter holidays even more hallowed than they usually are. (MF) |
Cooking &
Once again, our indefatigable culinary expert
Harriet Kettle-Stove kindly consented to add one of her prized recipes to
our holiday edition. This time, she ventures into the great unknown, aka the
USA. |
baking soda, 2 tbl. sp. cinnamon, 1 pinch of salt, 1 pinch each of piment
and nutmeg, 50 g ground almonds, 110 g ground walnuts, 350 g ground carrots. Beat the butter and sugar until fluffy, add the egg yolk, orange juice and orange zest. Mix flour with the spices and add to soft mix. Add nuts. Beat the egg white until stiff and add it carefully. At last add the carrots and fill the dough into a round baking container. Bake for 75-90 minutes at 180 °C. For the frosting, mix 125 g butter with 50 g powdered sugar and add 250 g cream-cheese. Add a bit of ground orange peel if you like. Keep cool until spreading it on the cake. If you want to, decorate your cake with marzipan carrots. Enjoy your Easter treat! Yours, H. Kettle-Stove |
Agony Auntie Agatha
Dear Agony Auntie Agatha, |
Dear Agony Auntie Agatha, |
Magical Maintenance Says:
Not Our Fault
(London) Does it look like spring where you
live? Rejoice, you are one of the happy few! In Great Britain, the situation
has become so bad that the army is helping farmers bring food to their sheep
and dig out sheep from under the masses of snow. Since usually it is not
allowed to tamper with the weather, newbroom began to think about who was
actually allowed to make weather in the wizarding world. And the answer is:
Magical Maintenance at the Ministry of Magic in London. We asked for an
interview with Adolphus Malacaelum, head of Magical Maintenance. Mike
Flatley went to investigate the reasons for the unseasonal cold plaguing all
of Europe right now. |
MF: But the cold weather is highly unusual for March. Could it be
that one of your workers has been bribed to enchant the weather in all of
Europe? AM: My good man, think! Not one wizard alone could have the power to influence weather on such a scale. Not even He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named could do that. No way. MF: Why? AM: It is far too complicated to influence weather. You see, there are natural factors to be considered which have to be counter-acted or strengthened, depending on what you want to do. You could for example make a hailstorm over one particular field, but never over all of a county. Your magical powers would not suffice to work against nature. A net of wizards and witches might do the trick, but as to continental Europe – well, we wouldn’t reach it. There’s water in between, as you know. MF: So is that why you think that the weather has not been tampered with? AM: I am absolutely sure that wizards and witches have nothing to do with the strange weather. I wouldn’t vouch for |
Muggles, though. MF: But Muggles per definition cannot do magic! AM: Their so-called industrialization and progress damaged the environment massively. Therefore, I believe that the weather changes are in fact caused by Muggle actions which were at first feeble tries to copy magical abilities. See flying! Muggles fly in mechanical things which use petrol and by that pollute the air. We, on the other hand, use brooms which are very environmentally friendly. I think, if we had decided to share our abilities with Muggles, the environment would not have suffered. MF: So basically, Muggles should not yammer but stand for their own misdeeds? AM: Exactly. And please do not blame magical maintenance for the weather. It is not our fault. We certainly believe Mr Malacaelum. Alas, this also means we have to suffer whatever weather comes. Have a happy Easter anyway, whether in snow or sunshine. (MF) |
Greetings from the Grave
(The fictitious and the real
world) Last year it happened so that underneath the parking lot of a
shopping centre the remains of a member of the royal family were found.
However, what starts like a modern crime story is no more but also no less
than an archaeological discovery. |
indicator of the character of
that respective person. Unfortunately, this view was dropped in the course
of the centuries though it would all have saved us from people like Göbbels. |
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No eggs hidden here, Severus!