broom Breaking News

Flying Vampire Pig Pesters Britain

(Popular Britain) Merely meant as a jolly joke a bankrupt bank publicly presented a prime pest: a flying vampire piggy bank. After the broke bank had artfully announced that clever customers should generally generously give their poor piggy banks the happy holiday of horrible Halloween off and trustingly take their private banknotes and quiet coins to the best bank to positively put them to their acknowledged account. Many men faithfully followed this prominent piece of advice. Curious queues were surely sighted outside the public building carefully carrying big bags of much money.

A cool couple of countless curious piggy banks consequently were finally freed for this one outstanding occasion. Interestingly enough, they definitely dared to developed a proud pair of wonderful wings certainly similar to the biting bat also known as vicious vampires. These flying piggy banks also only fervently followed one end: painfully biting their old awful owners. A piggy bite is quite grotesque – as it is usually the other way round. So the some thousands of believing people not only lost their luxury but also their lives. Lawsuits will fortunately follow.

Rare Raven Riotingly Rests in Rare Room

A real raven ridiculously rested in our office in odd October. Surely surprise struck when this wild worm eater wandered willingly into our official home in our homely head-office. An innumerous amount of animals is already actively acting as secret stand ins: beautiful bugs, a dull duck and the giant Geronimo who actually is a poor printer. Then there are the sweet slaves who are worriedly working to finally finish the best broom.

The rural raven surely seemed for certain to eagerly enjoy the silent stay in this rare resort. It hardly hovered or scarcely shivered and just joked on his bright bust, we even got a superb shotgun. Unfortunately the acknowledged ammunition was already sold out for sure. We secretly threw the silent shotgun at the busy bird and badly missed the mighty monument of magnificent Minerva. Currently we’re conjuring up another cunning plan. (MF)

The Bloody Baron In Charge

Dark clouds were chasing each other across a gunmetal-grey sky. Thunder rolled over the premises of Hogwarts Castle, and lightning threatened to strike each of the towers and turrets during this night of abysmal weather.
All humans were in their beds, either asleep or at least pretending to be asleep. Even some ghosts, like the Fat Friar, were afraid and reverted to their old habits of fighting danger. “Preying with your rosary doesn’t help,” Nearly Headless Nick told the Fat Friar, but he said it in a friendly voice. He knew the Fat Friar was afraid of all kinds of seemingly superstitious events. It came with growing up in a monastery, Nick suspected.
Somewhere in the higher floors, Peeves was wreaking havoc. His shrieks and the sounds of smashing things added to the very uncanny atmosphere of the night. Even the Grey Lady, usually so serene and above all mundane things, seemed flustered. “Nick, something weird is going on,” she said. “Oh, surely not, my dear,” 

 Nick cried gallantly. “I can feel it. It is in the air, as if something or someone was plotting something ruthless. Oh, Nick, we are in for something dreadful tonight!” She glided off, leaving Nick to wonder at the gullibility of his ghost colleagues. One should think that hundreds of years of experience would serve to help them being less naïve, but it obviously did not help.
An even louder yell than before and then an almighty crash made all the ghosts jump. “PEEVES!” roared Nick angrily. Suddenly a large figure glided forwards. “Leave him to me,” the Bloody Baron announced majestically. “Leave this impossibly wild poltergeist to me.” He laughed a very unpleasant, hollow laughter and went off in search for Peeves. The Grey Lady came over to Nick. “See? Something dreadful is going to happen!”
Not much time had passed when the Bloody Baron reappeared. “What happened, Baron?” the Fat Friar asked anxiously. “Peeves will never again wreak

havoc if I say he should not,” the Baron announced, flattening his slightly ruffled collar.
“How did you do that?” Nick wanted to know. The Baron smirked. “Easy, dear Sir Nicholas. I told Peeves exactly what I did with my last victim, and he imagined I would do the same to him. I also made him drink the ink he was going to smash in one go, and then for good measure threatened to imprison him in the torture chamber under the Great Hall. Which is, coincidentally, where I somehow accidentally killed two lads, strangling them with their own hair. Tragic, that,” the Baron sighed and went off, leaving the stunned ghosts behind.
Outside, the thunderstorm was still raging, but all of a sudden, no ghost feared the weather. The Baron was clearly still dangerous if unable to lay hands on things. But he obviously had ways to follow his own ends without being physically able to carry out his plans himself. It was very, very eerie. Nick shivered.

Cooking & Slicing

As every year, Harriet Kettle-Stove agreed to give us an exclusive set of recipes for our Halloween edition. Whereas she once focused on ghoulish food, this year’s menu is heaven! We tried it ourselves, and we urge you to follow our example. Read for yourselves.

Dear cooks-to-be,
and what can be merrier than sitting down to a really autumnal dinner with your friends while the east winds blow around the house and make your chimney howl? Right, nothing. Therefore, I have compiled a menu for you to follow and enjoy, and rest assured it will result in very happy guests and a cozy evening.
Here goes:
Salad with honey-mustard dressing and walnuts
Wash the salad of your choice and make sure there are no small animals or foul leaves left. Mix oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard and honey in a bowl. Put the salad into small bowls and sprinkle walnuts on top. Then add the dressing. Yummie!

 Game in red wine sauce with potato roasts and pears with cranberries
Choose your game carefully. Wash it, then put it into a pan with oil until it is brownish. Add onions, red wine, chicken broth and spices (salt, pepper, bay leaf, and what else you like). In the meantime, chop your potatoes very finely, best ground them, and put half of the potato mass into a pan with oil. Add salt and fry until golden brown. Peel the pears, cut them in half and put the seeds away. Fill cranberries into the hole and gently fry the pears until soft. Enjoy!
Ice-cream with red wine plums
Put plums (without stone) into a dish with red wine, sugar and cinnamon and boil them. Choose an ice-cream, add the hot plums and simply enjoy.
For afters you could offer some cheese and white bread. Your guests wouldn’t say no to some chocolates, either, I bet.
Enjoy this lovely meal and don’t be frightened by ghosts and ghoulies.
Yours, H. Kettle-Stove.

Horticultural Horrors

(newbroom Headquarters) Just in time for our Halloween edition Leslie Pagana Greenacre returned from her garden to offer you some tips and tricks for your own garden. Read on and be inspired.

Autumn Sweet Autumn, Garden Sweet Garden - Autumnus Dulcis Autumnus, Hortus Dulcis Hortus

Dear Gardeners,

In the last couple of years you got some tips for your perfect Halloween decoration this year we will take a look at your autumn garden for a change. Autumn or fall for our American readers is as you will be well aware the time of harvest.
Apples, potatoes and many flowers are ripe now. Hang on flowers? Yes, flowers. If you want your garden to be as beautiful

next year as it is this year, you will have to take certain measurements.
Usually, we are interested in the fruits a flower is producing. We get pumpkins from pumpkin flowers, apples from apple flowers and potatoes from – well, that is a different story.
We eat the fruits and usually ignore the seeds. However, with our beautiful garden flowers we should not ignore the seeds. Take violets, daisies, marigold or foxglove, all of them get seeds which you can easily collect for your garden of the next year.
Why don’t you take a stroll through your garden and check which of your flowers has got ripe seeds to collect. However, you must be careful, some of the seeds love the cold season and want to stay outside for winter before they are ready to give birth to a new plant. This is for example the case with violets.
Sometimes you leave your garden and are able to detect other beautiful flowers somewhere out there in the wilderness.

You might want to revisit these places and check whether you find some seeds there. Poppy and cornflowers are easily to be collected this way.
Then you must decide where to put your seeds. You could either keep them for next year – again be careful and don’t do this with those cold-loving seeds – or you could put them out on the earth just now. After all the flowers are spreading them on the earth right now as well. You should keep in mind that it might take some time until you see any results.
Autumn is also the right time for planting onions. You might know that some flowers are born out of onions. Tulips, daffodils or crocuses come out of onions. Therefore if you want to have these in your spring garden, you should make sure to dig deep and put them there.

During all this work you should never forget to enjoy your garden. Take some time to relax and make the most of the last warm beams the sun is sending down to earth.

Crossword Puzzle
1             XV
2 II      XX    
3 III            
4 IV                    
5 V            XIX
6 VI      XXI  
7 VII                  XVI
8 VIII        
9 IV      
10 X          XVIII
11 XI        
12 XII  XVII          
13 XIII              
14 XIV        
1 emotion
6 feast at the end of October
1 fruits which grew all along the year and are ripe now
2 season
3 big, round, orange
Peeves is one
can be made look horrible with a bit of colour
6 kids go from ... to ...
7 something that is suddenly there
products with less sugar
9 you will not only get one ... of sugar
10 colour of the pumpkin
11 favourite costume
time when you start your hunt for sweets
13 don't forget those, it might snow!
time of day

The looked for phrase:
____ ____ ____ ____ ____    ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____,  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____!
I        II       II     IV      V         VI     VII    VIII   IX     X      XI     XII    XIII  XIV     XV   XVI  XVII XVIII XIX  XX   XXI

The Muggle Sandwich Mystery

(A Muggle Village) As witch or wizard you will already have come across these little Muggle mysteries, you know, those peculiar things Muggles tend to do – for whatever reason. However, have you ever placed a sandwich on a car – or broomstick for that matter? If your answer is ‘no’, don’t hesitate to read on; if the answer is ‘yes’, then don’t miss our article either, it might be about you after all.
Every day we here at broom – sorry – newbroom take a relaxed stroll through our favourite Muggle village. There you find everything you need: a butcher’s shop, a bakery, three nursery schools, a hairdresser, a post office, two banks, a school and a church. This church is also in possession of a parking lot. Parking there is as in the whole village for free.
Whenever we pass this parking lot there is a blue car parked. On top of this car always rests a sandwich – wrapped in paper,

of course. At first, we just that someone had forgotten his or her lunch when leaving the car.
However, as this event occurred again and again we changed our mind. We were now sure that it was  not just forgotten lunch. To solve this mystery we did some research. And after some time we had in deed found out whose car it was: It belongs to a woman who works for the bakery.
This seemed very strange. Who on earth would bring his or her when they are working for a bakery? Then again who would bring someone else’s lunch if they work in a bakery?
Maybe the woman has a loving mother or even caring husband who prepares sandwich lunches, however, which taste so bad that she simply has to get rid of it. Who knows? Well, we definitely don’t know. So, if you happen to meet a sandwich on a car, enjoy your meal! (All)


(Our Office) It was on one of those lazy Halloween days when all the work was done and we were waiting to go out to some Halloween party doing some reading when we were on the verge of falling asleep.
Suddenly there was a sort of rapping or tapping at our door. The curtains began to move and we felt terror creep up in our hearts, then again, we were quite sure that it was only a visitor. Consequently we opened the door but there was no one there.
Then we discovered that it wasn’t a visitor at our door but at our window
- outside of course. We opened the window to let

in what we thought to be an owl – it wasn’t, it was a raven. It placed itself on a statue of Minerva. We decided to ask some questions.
What’s your name?
Curious name. You will certainly leave in the morning.
Whoever has taught you this word must everybody a poor fellow. So what do you mean by ‘nevermore’? What is this smell? You were sent by the Dark Lord!
Then the Daily Profit! Thing of evil! Is there any hand cream in

Daily Profit – thing of evil. Is there a maid we will embrace in paradise?
Get lost. Don’t even leave one feather lying around. Out, out damn bird!
You might have guessed the raven did not leave. And if it hasn’t died it is still sitting on the statue of Minerva croaking ‘nevermore’ every now and then. We did some research and it seems it belongs to a certain Mr Poe. So would you please get your bird back. (MF)

Disclaimer: All names, characters and places are property of J.K. Rowling and Warner bros., except of those not found in the "Harry Potter" books and movies which belong to Ulrike Friedrich and Kirsten Seelbach. No financial and/or commercial gain is intended.