broom Breaking News
Dreary Day for Dracula
(Transylvania) Tuesday turned out to be a dreadfully dreary day for Dracula, immortal evil prince of darkness and former felon of Romania. First, the vile vampire forgot that he sweetly slept in a closed coffin and brutally bumped his head on the lid. Then, when he looked out of a grimy window into a grey sky, he rashly realized that day dawned. Dreadful though that was, according to the slimy servants, the dreary day drudged on. In |
contrast to mere Muggle legends, vampires can live in daylight – but suffer
severe headaches, so dead Dracula was doomed to moan in martyrdom. Only in
the evening the evil vampire was happy when a cloud of surprisingly juicy
bats flew in for dinner. Not as guests. You see, even vampires can have bad
days. (MF) |
Hello Halloween!
This not so young year yellingly yearns to happily have a holy Halloween happening. Many man and even more wonderful women willingly want to wearily wear witty costumes carelessly causing cool ghosts to clearly keep to themselves. This theme seems to be sadly shared by thousands of serious people. Popular parties painfully play a public part in the current century. Countless critics calmly claim that the terrific spreading of tons of sweets is totally sure to make your teeth suffer. |
Their openly opened opinion is to obviously object any original offer. Of course, the critical critics are far away from the age of fine adults who are not as yet fully grown grown-ups. Talented teenagers will traditionally take ‘trick and treat’ to happy households. Be sure to store some sugary sweets as traded treat for the tricky teenagers. Treat them nice and no trick will threaten your door. So happily say hello to scary Halloween. (MF) |
The weather was
terrible, quite fitting for All Hallows’ Eve. It was cold, it was drizzling
and you couldn’t see very much thanks to large clouds of fog drifting up the
street. In short, it was a night when you wouldn’t like to be out and about.
Nor did the man want to be in the street in this abysmal weather. “I wish I
was sitting at home, with a good fire and a pot of tea,” he muttered to
himself, rubbing his clammy hands and shivering. If he were honest to
himself, it wasn’t entirely the cold’s fault that he shivered. |
he called. No answer. A few more twigs cracked. “Is it you, Mr Black?” the man asked. “How many times have I told you not to say my name?” Mr Black hissed furiously. “I’m sorry. I’ve got it,” the man quickly announced. “Very good. Give it to me,” Black ordered. With slightly trembling fingers, the man took a small wrapped box out of his pocket. Black nodded. “And you are sure it is perfect?” “Oh quite. You couldn’t tell the things apart, I swear.” The man puffed himself up with pride at his craftsmanship. Mr Black smiled wryly. “I chose you because you are an expert goldsmith. Tell me, did anything… happen while you were working on this?” “Since you ask, yes indeed. There were whispers.” “Ah. Whispers.” “Yes. It was as if there was… But no, you must think me insane,” the goldsmith laughed nervously. “As if there was what?” Black wanted to |
know. |
Cooking & Slicing
Every Halloween we are visited not only by ghosts
and ghouls, but also by our revered chef Harriet Kettle-Stove, whose recipes
are always mouth-watering miracles. Enjoy her refreshing ideas for
non-alcoholic Halloween party drinks! |
green, then add the tonic water. Enjoy! Sweet Kiss Who doesn’t like a kiss at a party? This drink won’t leave you unkissed, and what you need for one glass is 90 ml cherry juice, 50 ml pineapple juice, 30 ml lemon juice and 20 ml cherry syrup. Fill everything into a shaker and make it shake the ingredients thoroughly. Once done, fill into a glass with iced cubes. Yummy. Halloween Buster For four people, you need 750 ml tomato juice, 250 ml Sangrita picante, a bundle of chive, Worcester sauce, salt and pepper and finally some ground red pepper. Mix the juice, sangrita and chopped chives and season with Worcester sauce and spices. Fill into glasses and decorate with some chopped chives. If you want to do something more spectacular, fill the drink into pumpkins. Delicious! And remember: Never drink and fly your broomstick! Yours, H. Kettle-Stove. |
(broom Headquarters) We here at broom knew perfectly well that Halloween is the time of and for evil spirits and cunning ghosts, however, that it is also the time when LPG storms into our office, dictates an article just to storm out again 15 minutes later, we had completely forgotten. She didn’t – unfortunately. A Pumpkin A Day Scares The Ghosts Away - Una Cucurbita Per Diem Deterret Larvae Dear Halloween-Fans and Pumpkin-Lovers, |
First of all it is, of course, harvest time – well it has
been for two months or so anyway, there still are apples and pears and so on. Just take a look around your neighbours’ gardens and decide what would come in
handy. |
this. There are certain
people who
claim that this is only done to scare away the neighbours who noticed
that some things from their gardens have disappeared. This is, of course, not
true. |
1 VI | |||||||||||
III | 2 | I | 3 | II | |||||||
IV | |||||||||||
4 | IX | ||||||||||
5 | |||||||||||
6 XI | 7 | ||||||||||
8 | 9 | 10 | |||||||||
V | |||||||||||
X | 11 | VII | 12 | ||||||||
IV | 13 | VIII | |||||||||
14 | |||||||||||
Across 2 just the thing to wear 4 just the thing to eat 5 just the thing to drink 6 just the thing to ask for 8 just the thing to get 10 just the thing to offer 11 not the thing to be (spelled backwards) 13 just the thing to watch fly by 14 just the place where most ghosts live |
Down 1 just the person to bite 3 just the thing to be afraid of 7 just the thing to decorate your room with 9 just the thing to be good at 12 just the thing to avoid |
The looked for phrase:
Y____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ I II III IV V I II IV F____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____, III VI I II IV VII VIII V VI III IX X VII IV V ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____! IX III VI V IV II XI
(The Muggle World) Once again
our two too brave reporters Brian Cullen and Mike Flatley ventured forward
into the mean world of weird Muggles just to find out more about one of
their strangest customs: Trick or Treating. In fact there wasn't too much
venturing forward to be done this time as the willing victim readily dropped
in onto our two too courageous journlists. Not knowing what evil would await
her a little witch bravely knocked at doors of broom Headquarters and said
the three words the two will never ever forget. |
maybe you can walk on your hands.
I certainly would want to see that! LG: Trick or Treating! MF: Miss again, I'm afraid. Well, judging from your costume you might also be sort of a witch. Can you do any magic tricks? LG: Trick or Treating! MF: Now I know, you're impersonating an LP which is broken and doomed to say the same thing over and over again. LG: Trick or Treating! MF: As if I hadn't said it. BC: What's the problem, Mike, why are you letting the cold in? LG: Trick or Treating! BC: Now isn't that cute! LG: Trick or Treating! BC: Can we keep it? LG: Trick or Treating! BC: What is it? MF: She's a little girl dressed as a witch who is impersonating a broken LP which is doomed to repeat itself over and over again. LG: Trick or Treating! MF: See, I told you so. LG: Trick or Treating! BC: I think you're right, Mike. LG: Trick or Treating! BC: Then again I do have to admit that this is reminding me of something. LG: Trick or Treating! MF: Doesn't ring a bell. |
LG: Trick or Treating! |