broom Breaking News
(China) Several scientists saw fit to solve a perilous problem of dreadful
droughts in cheerless China. Unfortunately, the extraordinary experiment
fully failed. The insane idea of inserting crystalline chemicals into cute clouds to cause rare rain to finally fall down on crispy-looking Chinese earth backfired badly. The senseless scientists shot several rockets right into the clouds without concentratedly checking the |
total of temperature. Consequently, the chemicals caused calamity. Thanks to lovely low degrees, the devised downpour dropped in the fair form of snow. The country consequently suffocated under sacks of snow. This teaches us a lesson: Don't tamper with the weather unless you know the temperature. (BC) |
Love's Labours Lost
Lately, little effort was emotionally evoked by lonesome love. Sweet smiles sadly sickered into the solid sand. Given glimpses were ghastly kicked into the disgusting gutter by the not-so-gentle getter. In short, shy signs of offered affection were acurately averted by the addressee. Still, this is the terrific time of lovely love: Fair February fantastically forms fine couples complete with cute children ready to be served in December. Secretly, the sensational sun sends bright beams down to earth. Magic moments are made immemorable by magnificent |
moonlight. Mediocre men mildly meet melting maids and mate. And while broken hearts are for sure supposed to mend, martial mergers metaphorically make two hearts become one. However, cheap of happiness is not helpfully poured over poor persons. Tiny tears are trekking down someone's chapfallen cheek right at this moment. Now someone's heart is badly broken believed to mend no more. Think of them and smile because all bad luck is born by them and none is available to afflict it avidly on any others. A very dandy Valentine's Day! |
Baby It's Cold Outside
(The World At Large) A snowwave has
literally buried most of Europe. St. Peter or his colleague Mrs Holle keep
us down here busy shovelling snow. Weather experts that it will continue
snowing and that we are to expect even more snow next winter season. |
lack motivation just think of all the muscles you
will get. These you will be able to present next summer by the pool. Maybe your body isn't your problem but your brain. Are you bad at maths, for example. Well, go out and count the snow crystals. You could also pee geometrical figures into the snow or whole graphs if you drank enough. Then again what could be more obvious or natural for that matter in the month of love than to spend the time with your loved one. Get a pot of hot chocolate, some biscuits and the person who has your heart. You couldn't be in want of anything then. Enjoy the cold season of love and if you happen to be alone and female just drop an owl to broom's own Brian Cullen. He's ready, willing and able to take care of all your needs! |
January 1 Would you know it, it's another new year. As
usual it simply crept in without allowing us time to breathe. January 6 We decided to celebrate the day of the three magi with a raucuous party. It was great fun, although cleaning up isn't great fun - unless you're able to do magic. Aren't we lucky chaps to be wizards! January 9 Again another year passes without being invited to Professor Snape's birthday party. Perhaps he prefers a private party and we know who's the only guest! January 15 There hasn't been a day without snow since Christmas. It's cold. It's uncomfortable. and worst of all, it always snows on Sunday evening so that the streets are blocked on Mondays. Not that we mind, being wizards, but the Muggle news are full of complaints. |
January 19 Geronimo went on strike because we refused to
warm his ink until it had room temperature. Now he claims the cold ink was
blocking his pipes. Yeah, right, and why can he sneeze ink all over the
place? January 21 Next time we buy a printer it won't be a magical one, we can tell you. Now Geronimo's got a cold. Honestly! January 26 Geronimo's still out cold with his cold and the day of release for February broom is edging nearer. And that when for once we managed to finish broom right early! Why does stuff like that have to happen to us??? January 31 After being carefully treated with warm minty ink and camomile infusion to cleanse his pipes, Geronimo agreed to print again, if we promised him he could go on sick leave for the first week in February. We did agree, and here's broom! |
(Hogwarts) Armed with a special permission to enter Hogwarts' school
grounds, Brian Cullen set out to do his duty as an investigative journalist
and find an interviewee for broom's Valentine's Day/ February edition.
Digging deep into his knowledge of Muggle mythology, Brian uncovered an
astonishing fact about love, Greek gods and Professor McGonagall. |
The story I'd love to talk to you about isn't about transfiguration. It's
about a Troyan prince and three goddesses. MMcG: I do not have all day, Cullen, so either tell me the story or end the interview at once. BC: Okay, here goes: There once was a rather stupid quarrel between three goddesses about who was the most beautiful. Each of them claimed to deserve the title, and none was ready to step back. So they decided to get an impartial judge - the Troyan prince Paris. Howeverm they also all bribed him - which in the events following led to the Troyan war. MMcG: A foolish tale. Now, why did you want to talk to me about that? I cannot see any similarity to either you or me in that! BC: Right - and wrong. Professor, one of the goddesses was Minerva. MMcG: So? BC: So? Don't you see? By giving Paris |
a golden apple and pointing the way
to Helen, Minerva prepared the way for true love! MMcG: The only thing this tale shows is that even a goddess of wisdom may be foolish at times! Or were you trying to connect this with all this Valentine's Day rubbish? BC: Exactly! MMcG: Cullen, this is really far-fetched. I don't think the Greek Minerva was a meddler in human love. Nor am I meddling. BC: Of course not. Well, thank you fo your time and patience. MMcG: Try and write something sensible, Cullen. Brian, knowing Minerva McGonagall's advice to be wise, did try to write something very sensible and sophisticated. Time ran out fast, though, so all he could do was to use his interview draft for his contribution. Sorry, Professor! (BC) |
Travelling Tales 2009: A Lesson A Day Keeps Death Eaters Away
(On Holiday) The editors of broom
are still enjoying their holiday by the seaside. The seaside is full of
ports and so Brian and Mike decided to spend a day clearly at the seaside. |
Well, icecream is something the Muggles are capable of doing. And pizza, yes
pizza is quite good, too. Oh, right, chocolate is greta as well. Oh and
mustard, we simply love msutard. You can even eat cookies and yoghurt.
Chewing gum is also wonderful. And jelly babies as we are at it. And cake,
yes we do like cake, too. But, where were we? Right, by the seaside. In the afternoon we went to a ship parade which was comparable to the parade we witnessed in Edinburgh in size. There were some ten ships and well about a thousand people- of course, there had been no ships in Edinburgh. Then again, in one respect it was superior to the parade in Edinburgh as there were numerous stalls where you could buy some things: Souvenirs, of course, loads of food and tea which simply is a delight to any British heart. |
Afterwards, we strolled along the beach. There were some surfers, well not
on the beach, but on the water, ocean as a matter of fact. It looks quite
easy – like a piece of cake and since we are so fond of cake we tried
ourselves – and failed. Therfore, today's lesson is that surfing is not easy.![]() And still it looks so easy, but believe us we tried and it's all so hard! Then again, it's fun watching them fall. photo: UF |
broom's Next Best Bad Boy Board
In the last edition you learned all about
the toils and troubles young Greg had to go through because he was so ugly.
You also learned all about the toils and troubles the others had to go
through once he was handsome. This edition will uncover the hidden secrets
connected to a life-changing event in his young existence. |
day when we were turned into a frog by our magical friends just because they
wanted to play frog prince. And certainly you will still laugh when you
think of the daywhen your mum made you float upside down in mid-air just to
find all the hidden Christmas biscuits which you had nicked. And do you
recall...huh? What do you mean by 'no'. Oh right, you're non-magic folk.
Well, we still do and so does Greg. After having loathed going to a Muggle school with all those Muggle kids he was so happy to finally be able to travel to Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. A quick kiss from his mum and a brief pet on his back by his father and on he hopped. The journey took ages – well, not literally of course, otherwise he would still be on the way. Mmh, this might have not been for the worst. However, as it happened they eventually arrived. Just like all the other ickle firsties before he and the others were led into the Great Hall by professor McGonagall. And just like all other students after them they told the silliest stories about what was going to happen. As you will be well aware nothing of it all came true. Greg Nott, naturall, wasn't the first in line. This gave him a terrible lot of time for many nasty thoughts. So when it was time for Greg to put the hat on his head it was full of the most terrifying ideas. The sorting hat intended to not let Greg join any of the houses and expel him right away, but after 20 minutes or arhuing – sorry, discussng – he was asked by the headmaster to deciede for one of the houses. Read on and find out which of the houses Greg had to join and whether this was something that made his parents proud. |
(The World) As regular readers of broom you will be well aware that
February is not only the month of love but also the month when you have to face
another edition of Leslie’s Horticultural Horrors. Be brave and read on to find
out all about the secret of a garden of love.
The Secret Of A Garden Of Love – Secretum Hortius Amorius Dear readers,
February has come at last and in its pocket it carried the first signs of
spring. Snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils are already stretching their heads
through a thin layer of snow. The sweet scent of spring and the poetical blue
ribbon is fluttering in the mild February breeze. |
I informed all of my prisonmates and the gardening. The director got a list of
the things we need – alright, he didn’t allow us to use a spade or a hoe, but a
shovel will do just as well. Now should you be in the same situation as us here in prison, this is what you are supposed to do: First of all you have to decide what to plant in your garden. Grass is the easiest option, but you might also want to have the one or the other flower bed. Bushes will provide shelter for rare species like jailbirds for example. Only kidding. The board of directors forbade us to plant any trees saying that these would make a break out too easy. Therefore we will have to do without. Whether you want to plant some trees or no hopefully is only within your discretion. Whatever you go for, please keep the consequences in mind. A tree not only means shade but also additional work during all seasons. Naturally you will want to know what we decided to put up so here it comes: The basis of our garden will be a wide meadow – well as wide as the walls will allow. The walls will be covered by watch that we are going to do some |
tendrils of roses. The director is shaking his head so obviously the walls will
not be covered by tendrils of roses. |
Crossword Puzzle
1 | 2 | |||||||||||||
3 | 4 | |||||||||||||
V | ||||||||||||||
5 | 6 I | 7 | VI | |||||||||||
VII | ||||||||||||||
8 III | VIII | |||||||||||||
9 | IV | |||||||||||||
10 IX | II | |||||||||||||
11 | ||||||||||||||
The looked for phrase:
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____,
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____!