broom Breaking News
Prime Present
Presently pompous presents are primarily purchased by prosperous people, but blessed poor persons persistently pursue to blissfully buy big presents, too. Tricky tickets are truly taken into account as any anyone can assuredly afford any. Smart supermarkets soberly sell all sorts of sensationally cheap tickets. Train tickets terrifically take the trains off the shelves as aircraft tickets fabulously fly off the same fine family of furniture. Terrific tickets tolerably turn into popular presents for favourite friends and popular people but how to behave brilliantly to bad persons? Serious shopkeepers slyly show the excellent solution: |
They secretly started selling special tickets. These special tickets are no tickets for a kick in the knee or other preferred parts of the beautiful body. These special tickets are tickets to the mad moon. Maybe you might wonder why to willingly waste such a wonderful present to a bad person. The cause of this is quite clear. These special tickets to the mad moon are one way no return tickets. Some slaves successfully slaving for our broom already ordered some special tickets one is for a mean Mrs. P. – we’re very worried who all others might be offered to. |
December Dreams Dullfully Drowned
The snowy season sensationally settled in secretly and seemingly dug up daring dreams. Equally daring Death Eaters eventually dream on drowsy evenings instead of insisting on insanely initiatig another annoying assassination. Miraculous maids may memorize their latest lover lying lustfully on the luxurious lawn. Lonely lads certainly think of their sweet spouses and the wonderful way in which the weak witch had breathtakingly bewitched them. |
Poor people privately produce popular pictures of revolting richness. Rich readers really re-live their magic moment of the most magnificent memory their mingling mind may mobilize. However, harsh happenings have horrified these happy hopes. Doodling December dutifully destroyed all daring dreams of old autumn and effectively emptied our energetic energy. Therefore, sad souls are surely sighing this season until sunny spring doubtlessly dries their terrible tears. |
November 1 We are completely exhausted becuase of our
Halloween party - and it will last almost one more week! |
November 19 After having mused abou the Profit for some
time, we decided that it is all old news anyway. November 20 Alas, another raid. We're quite sure they only wanted to find the christmas presents they thought we would have for them. November 28 At last we have cleaned up the mess the Ministry morons had caused - yes, some was left of our extended Halloween party as well. November 30 30? The last day of the month? There is another edition of broom to be done? You must be kidding. You really want to have it by tomorrow. We will have to work nightshift then... |
“Good Night, Sleep Tight”
(The World – The Whole World) Everybody has
a dream job and only a few people can make their dream come true and even
less are able to dream on in their dream job. broom discovered one of this
rare species to interview him. |
SLEEP: I test every time I sleep. broom: How did you become a test sleeper? SLEEP: Actually, this was quite easy. I read the ad in my local newspaper, applied and got the job. broom: So, no additional training was necessary? SLEEP: No. broom: Did you have any special qualities which helped you getting this job? SLEEP: No. broom: What about working hours? SLEEP: Yes, that is a problem in deed because I only work night shift. broom: Isn't it also a problem to find sleep sometimes? SLEEP: Yes, indeed tht can happen. broom: What do you do then? Do you reprot sick? Or awake? SLEEP: No, it makes no difference. If I cannot sleep, it is the fault of the matrace. And I got paid the same salary independent of my finding it a good or a bad matrace. |
broom: And do matrace companies sometimes try to bribe you into
findng their products good? |
New Kind Of Moron Found
(The world) broom is
delighted to announce that a new kind of moron has been found, which has
never before been seen anywhere in the world. |
![]() broom wants to wish all oxy-morons well – if they haven’t got a job yet, they can apply for senior posts at the Ministry. The minister will be delighted to take them all on. (BC) Note: There is actually a stylistic device called oxymoron. It means the connection of two words which are at odds usually, like “hateful love” or some such poetic nonsense. We do prefer oxy-morons, by the way. |
broom's Best Bad Boy Board
Last month we told you all about the story of
the success of Argus Filch. Now you are about to leanr which personnel
changes led to his new life as caretaker of Hogwarts, hated by all – but is
that really so? |
order to cheer him up he got a little kitten that he could torture in his
free time. Well, no harm was ever done to little Mrs Norris as you will be
well aware, dear readers. There was more than one good thing connected with
this change in the life of Argus Filch. For once the school was really
clean. Additionally, he had a small friend to play with. Furthermore, he had
regular working hours now and therefore time to form a strong bond with
another one of Hogwarts' primary rocks. Among students it might not be so widely known, however, there is more than just friendship between Argus and Madam Pince. Watch closely and you will be able to uncover the secret glances the two lovers exchange. A happy ending after all. We're afraid that this jolly series once more has reached its end, however, make sure to vote for the next best bad boy to find all about him during the next year of broom. |
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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, Severus!
Travelling Tales 2009: A Lesson A Day Keeps Death Eaters Away
Spending a longer time in the Muggle world additionally
spells that you also have to fullfill Muggle needs. One of the needs Muggles
feel is to go shopping. Then again this need is much stronger in the female
Muggle – usually. |
![]() Yes, the red spot right in the middle is a ladybird! One of the very dangerous ones. photo: UF 2009 you can buy as strange things as fake flowers. We didn't get either one of these. Food, which is always on our mind along with the second most important thing in the magical world, Quidditch, is offered almost anywhere in all sorts of quantities and states from raw to perfectly done. However, there is one thing we were |
terribly missing: the owlery. We did
write some postcards, millions actually, but
with no owlery to be found what
is to be done with them? We guess we will have to hand them out personally. In the afternoon we went for a little stroll along the beach. We would have enjoyed this change greatly – and who knows we might have even considered to plant an ocean with a beach in our office – unluckily, myriads of ladybirds did not leave much time to think about this possibility. And this, in fact, leads us quite nicely to today's lesson: You can or rather should not eat ladybirds – believe us, we tried. First, they are very crunchy which is quite nice, but then they get bitter and almost make you choke because of all the legs (six!) and the wings. |
broom's Next Best Bad Boy
(Headquarters) The same procedure as every
year and every year again around this time of the year one big event is
approaching the magic and Muggle community: No, not Christmas, but the
election of broom's Best Bad Boy. Anyone of you who is a newly addicted reader of the magical world's favourite monthly magazine will not know what this fuss is all about. Let us throw some light onto the matter: Every year the readership of broom selects one out of a list of seven personalities who is to be awarded broom's Best Bad Boy. The list is provided by the hardworking editors of your favourite magazine. Every year in December and it has been like this for centuries you get the list of |
seven extraordinary bad wizards from which you choose one in a secret
election. The election process draws to a close alongside the old year with
the birth of the new year, broom's new Best Bad Boy is born. However, this doesn't only spell honour for the chosen one, but also means that he or she will get featured throughout the year in broom. Dear reader you will be enabled to learn all about the early and private life of the Bad Boy elect. Under the headline broom's Best Bad Boy Board you will find all sorts of interesting and even boring information about the past, present and future of the man himself. Our hole team here at broom is |
constantly digging deep into the lives of anyone who is featured in broom,
however, the Best Bad Boy gets a special treatment as we here at broom will
not even consider to hush up some of the more horrible facts. Make sure we don't miss your vote. Make sure you don't miss broom's Next Best Bad Boy! And here is the list from which you can choose: Brilliant Brian Cullen Magnificent Mike Flatley Sad Severus Snape Horrific Harry Potter Bad Bellatrix Lestrange Foul Fenrir Greyback Ghastly Greg Knott |