broom Breaking News
(broom’s rooms) Recently a rash riot raucously ran
over the real rooms of rare broom. Eleven dozens of Death Eaters elegantly
did attack the dreamy apartment of the dozing editors. Moaning Mike and
boring Brian were maliciously brought down by mean boys and brilliant maids.
editors, especially Ebony and Avery, eloquently exert the
excellent exercise of economically editing this manifold magazine. Some small things will cheerfully change: Nice BBNs will notoriously bring bright news covering carefully the quick coming of You Know Who. Real reports righteously will write about rare realities in the rich ranks of the Death Eaters. Intense interviews will intimately interrogate the incomparable He Who Must Not Be Named. Chaotic Editor’s Corner will eventually cover chosen events that easily come out of our objective opinions. Resistance rocks no more, the new war cry will be: Voldemort wins! (E&A) |
(Manchester) Many Muggles were menaced and made to mix up
mean poisonous potions to devour and drink and dreadfully died in
midnight-dark Manchester on Monday. The divine deed was artfully accomplished by a dozen Death Eaters in awed allegiance to our lovely Lord Voldemort who |
ruthlessly reigns over all of us. Muggle-baiting, especially something as murky and mean as this piece of menace, means the most to vicious Voldemort, as we all naturally know. So all who read this, feel free to follow the elating example and start menacing Muggles by all means! (MF) |
Some thousands of sane citizens solely sat to see for themselves that the spring starter surely saw to the sudden start of the sunny season. Punctually, poor people publicly placed themselves to take part in the periodical performance of popular April taking place. This young year yawns because of the yellow Yuletide and yearns for yelling youngsters joyously jogging through youthful yards. Season scientists certainly see that seldom spring has started. Collaboratingly, concealed climate calculators carefully call the coming quarter calm |
concentration of quite quiet coolness. Whatever wild view you willingly
vote for, vividly wait for warm weather to warmly welcome you. Bold broom
bilingually believes in boring broadcasts of bothered bringers of bad news.
Naturally, no one necessarily needs a new news note noting next week’s wet
weather, while willing writers welcomely write whole week’s wishlists of wished for
weather. Brilliant broom brushes away this bare back room boys’ babbling. (ALL) |
March 5 Something will happen this month. The stars say
it -- says Firenze the Centaur. Besides, the month is dedicated to Mars, and
as we know: Mars is bright is akin to there's going to be trouble! March 6 Yes, yes, centaurs have a funny sense of humour. Seems as if Firenze made us hide all our documents for fun. March 9 Okay, so we've had another owl today announcing a Ministry raid. So what? March 12 This raid was thorough, Merlin's beard, they even searched our drawers. Even the one with Brian's underwear in it!!! March 13 We're done. This time, the Ministry decided to lock us into their special cells down in the cellar next to courtroom 10. You know the one. March 17 We signed a document, but didn't read its contents. |
Anyway, Minister Thicknesse promised we'd get two (!) new slaves
to write for us. Cool! And no prison. March 20 We wonder what exactly we'd signed there at the Ministry. One of the new slaves, a certain Quincey Thomas, turned up and began telling us - no, boasting about - his doings as a Death Eater. Help!!! March 23 Easter Sunday: Easteregghunt! March 24 Easter Monday, actually. But the Easter bunny brought us no good. We received an official license to go on with broom in the officially acknowledged way. March 25 We changed our logo and looks. March 30 The new Death Eater broom is ready, and we are part of their empire. Finally we have realized the error of our ways! VOLDEMORT WINS!!!! |
Hidden) Believe it or not but your new broom managed to get an exclusive
interview with He Who Must Not Be Named. Read and adore! |
Squibs will mysteriously disappear. broom: Is that the revenge you have been talking of? LV: No, those who will have to face a special treatment are not to be killed immediately. broom: They are to be spared? LV: No, not really. Their special treatment will include physical and psychological torture. In the end they will beg to be killed and that’s the point when they will be tortured a bit more. Only when we grow tired of this spare time activity, we will kill them. broom: So, revenge is definitely something to look forward to. What follows? The reward? LV: No, not just yet. First I will seize total control of the whole country. broom: Which office will you take over? Prime Minister, King,… LV: Dictator. I think that the time for a weak authoritative government is over. Great Britain doesn’t need anyone to rule, but someone to dictate. And I’ve never really believed in democracy anyway. broom: But after you’ve become |
dictator, you will reward the Death Eaters, won’t you? LV: Yes, those who are left and proved especially valuable and reliable. broom: How will they be rewarded? Will you offer treasures and fortunes to them or make them part of your government? LV: No, neither of these. I will just not kill them for the moment. broom: Well, that actually doesn’t sound much… LV: I’d say life is much. broom: Yes, of course. But won’t you need a successor? LV: What for? broom: Well, to succeed you… LV: My horcruxes will prevent my untimely complete death. And anyway, once I’ve become dictator, I’ll get some professional wizard to create the philosopher’s stone for me. This left our reporter speechless. As usual we’d like to thank our interviewee for taking the time to talk so patiently about his concerns and we’d like to add our wish for many happy returns! (ALL) |
broom's Best Bad Boy
We left our anti-hero in dire straits in the last
edition of broom. Being constantly harassed by his fellow students and being
considered nearly a Squib by his teachers, Roland Banks did not really have
the time of his life at Hogwarts School. However, even the absolute losers will find some light in their darkness. Roland’s light was his friendship with Sebastian Cook and Ramon Vargas. Even if a lot of evil was directed to this trio, they were quite able to retaliate. Ramon managed to keep getting his own back. Whenever the Magpies (or us, the best editors in the world) hit target, we could be sure to be paid back. One of these battles almost ended in tragedy. (Warning: Parents should not let their children read on without guidance! Danger!) Ramon Vargas thought himself very clever – and we grudgingly have to admit, he is – and decided that it was time to show his cleverness in a more spectacular way than ever. He challenged Patience Wood for a wizard’s duel. Now, as everyone knows, duels have been forbidden by headmasters |
of Hogwarts ever since a tragic event in 1239 when a
student got killed by an early version of the Killing Curse, as can be read
in Hogwarts: A History. Duels are also not quite legal outside school, but
the last months showed quite clearly how important it is to practise one’s
duelling skills in earnest. Be that as it may, Ramon challenged, and Patience accepted. They did duel, and Roland nearly got caught by a backfiring Mirror Spell. (To remind those who weren’t present at the Battle of Hogwarts: The Mirror Spell was the spell that effectively killed Amycus Carrow.) For any thinking witch or wizard, such a near-death experience would be a revelation to one’s life and aims. Not so for Roland. He fumed, swore to take revenge, and put a dish of dead flobberworms into Patience’s cauldron in the next potions lesson. Needless to say, this poor revenge did not effect the fear and awe Roland wanted to inspire. How he managed to scrape his N.E.W.T.s and why Professor Emerson Dicket wanted Roland to study will be revealed in the next edition. |
Gilderoy Lockhart to Be New
Advisor for Defence Against the Dark Arts
(The Government) William MacBoon, spokesman of Pius Thicknesse, current Minister of Magic, announced yesterday that Gilderoy Lockhart is to become the new advisor for Defence Against the Dark Arts. Though the present government claimed that there is no need to fear the dark forces, Lockhart was employed “to meet the fears of the people”. William MacBoon declared that there would be no uprising of dark wizards. The ordinary witch or wizard wouldn’t have to fear anything. The Ministry promised to do anything in its power to protect half- and quarter-bloods, Muggle-borns and Squibs. “Naturally,” said MacBoon, “we’ll have to register those who are in special need | of our help first.” Gilderoy Lockhart, former Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts and proved fraud, will take over the job of Advisor to the Ministry in Anything Dark on April, 1st. His job will be to advise the Ministry on anything connected to the Dark Arts whenever he is asked to do so. Mr. Lockhart whose current residence lies within the walls of St. Mungo’s Hospital will not move into one of the Ministry flats located in London. He’ll neither get his own office at the Ministry since “there won’t be the need of a permanent presence” as MacBoon put it. Lockhart, author of books like Voyages with Vampires and ex- member of the |
former boyband MilliVanilli, “hopes to be able to keep up his quiet life,”
says Glenda Lockhart, wife of the new Advisor. “Of course, it is an honour
to be offered such a position,” she adds. Lockhart, best performer of the Memory Charm 1990, 1991 and 1993, will not change his life much. “The centre of my life will remain here in St. Mungo’s and naturally, I will keep up my regular visits to my wife and son,” says Ronald Umfraville, head-healer at St. Mungo’s Closed Ward. Though broom isn’t quite sure that Gilderoy Lockhart can meet the needs of the people, we still would like to take the chance to wish him luck – he will need it! (ALL) |
Oh Lord Voldemort, oh Lord Voldemort, Thou art just what we wizards need! Scouring all the mud-bloods well Making life for Muggles hell Voldemort you are the top May your dominance never stop! |
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This is to you, Mr. Snape!
Bald man, approximately in his mid-thirties – but definitely looking older
than that. Special features: has no nose and is constantly either
tipping his dark mark with his wand or sucking unicorn blood. Last seen:
in Little Whinging a couple of years ago. To be returned to: Peter
Pettigrew. |
contains another part of the soul of He Who Must Not Be Named. Last seen:
in a basin in a cave at the coast. Might be in the possession of a certain
Regulus Black or around the neck of a Ministry worker. To be returned to:
Severus Snape. |
“Confessions of an English Death Eater”
broom is extremely proud to be finally included in the big empire of media the finest Minister for Magic ever, Pius Thicknesse, has created. This has not only put a stop to the constant harassment we were put under before we finally took our chance to join the ruling powers, it also opened wholly new channels of information about who is in charge now. Needless to say, we have been eager to grasp at every straw we could |
reach. |
the Dark Lord. Quincey says that his new series “is going to convince everyone of the purity of our aims and the necessity of ruthlessly clearing out all the mud-bloods and Squibs from the ranks of wizarding families.” Since broom heartily agrees with this kind of policy (ever since we were asked to join the official media, that is), we were quite happy to give a prominent position to the new series. Look forward to the Confessions, and stay loyal to our Lord Voldemort! (BC) |